Welcome to Business Negotiation Strategies!
Our focus on this blog is to help hard-working business owners and professionals make better decisions in their negotiations with others. It is no secret that success in business is about managing relationships with others, giving and taking in winning ways, and binding our partners, vendors, and customers to follow through on their commitments. Beyond that, we must make sure that our negotiation goal are wise and sound. We do not want to exhaust ourselves by climbing up the proverbial ladder that is leaning against the wrong wall.
I hope that you will find value here; may we can learn from each other to get the knowledge, experience, support, and skills to make our business and professional lives work for us. Ultimately, I aspire that we will also work to make the world a better place.
Thank you for your patience, suggestions, and ideas as we launch this new blog. Please consider joining our RSS feed and email list, and visit frequently.
Tawfiq I. Ali
Principal Attorney
Ali Law Practice LLC
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